In 2021, 108,000 individuals died from drug-related overdoses. Compared to the year prior, the overdose rate increased by 15%, with around 80,000 deaths related to overdose, much of which includes opioids. Overdose death continues to rise. Though overdose is a complex problem, one of the most potent opioids that has played a role in the recent increases in overdoses is fentanyl.

If you or a loved one has struggled with a fentanyl use disorder, you may wonder how to find a substance use disorder treatment program in Dedham, MA. Finding a qualified and experienced program can help you safely withdraw from a substance and develop appropriate skills to facilitate the recovery process.

Are you still interested? We have a must-read article you don’t want to miss out on. In our guide, we will go over what a SUD treatment program in Dedham, MA, is and how you can get started today, so keep reading on for more information!

Why Is Fentanyl So Dangerous?

Fentanyl is a dangerous synthetic opioid with a high risk for abuse and overdose. It does have medical uses to treat severe pain but is nearly 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine. Prescription fentanyl is often administered as a patch.

In a hospital, it is more likely you will see intravenous administration. Most fentanyl-related overdoses are from illegally purchased fentanyl medications. These often mix other opioids, such as heroin, with fentanyl for a more potent effect.

Many times, the person purchasing the medication is unaware of the fentanyl dosage. Illicitly manufactured fentanyl was responsible for nearly 56,000 deaths in 2020, and it continues to rise.

When treating substance abuse disorders, you cannot neglect fentanyl use. Because of its potency, it is highly addictive and shows withdrawal symptoms, such as:

  • Dilated pupils
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Goose flesh
  • Hot and/or cold flashes
  • Anxiety
  • Agitation
  • Pain

These uncomfortable symptoms can increase a person’s risk of relapsing. As your body becomes more dependent on the drug, your tolerance for higher doses increases.

What Is a Substance Use Disorder Treatment Program?

An opiate addiction treatment program in Dedham, MA, focuses on helping patients with their substance use disorder. Since fentanyl is an opioid, it is essential that you seek treatment from a program with experience working with opioid use disorders. 

Luckily, opioid use disorders are treatable, and you can find long-term recovery. Yet, only 40% of Americans with this disorder seek help, primarily from stigma.

However, seeking treatment provides you with access to highly skilled therapists and medical professionals. Some of the treatments that may be used in a substance use disorder treatment program are:

  • Medication-assisted treatment (e.g., methadone, buprenorphine)
  • Detox programs
  • Residential treatments
  • Partial hospitalization programs (PHP)
  • Intensive outpatient programs (IOP)
  • Counseling
  • Therapy
  • Support groups

Rehab center staff can be a critical component of your success. They can help you identify negative thought patterns and work one-on-one with you during recovery. 

Types of Fentanyl Addiction Treatment Programs

A PHP or IOP in Dedham, MA, can assist you in your recovery. The primary difference between these programs is the time commitment. A PHP is more time-intensive, requiring more hours or days of the week that you must be in rehab. 

It makes it more challenging to hold a part-time or full-time job, but you can return home in the evenings. It is an excellent program if you do not need 24/7 care and have a good support system at home. On average, you will spend six to eleven hours daily in a rehab program for five days a week. 

PHP is also an excellent transition for residents completing detox or residential treatment. Attending a PHP allows you to continue progressing in your therapy and skill development while giving you real-world practice. 

Like a PHP, IOP is another great transitionary program. It requires less time and allows some individuals to hold part-time jobs. You can translate the skills, and coping mechanisms learned in rehab into your everyday life. 

What Fentanyl Addiction Treatment Program Do You Need?

Finding a fentanyl addiction treatment program in Dedham, MA depends on a few factors. First, it is always helpful to meet with admissions coordinators regarding the severity of your substance use disorder.

This can give you an excellent starting point. Here are some other questions you may ask yourself or other coordinates will pose:

  • What is your medical status?
  • Have you completely withdrawn from a substance?
  • Have you had suicidal thoughts?
  • Do you have co-occurring disorders (e.g., depression, anxiety, bipolar)
  • Do you have a safe and supportive home environment?

For example, if you have not withdrawn from fentanyl or have suicide ideation, you may be more appropriate for a detox center first. Afterward, you can safely transition to a adolescent IOP. Additionally, don’t neglect all-gender programs. 

Find a Fentanyl Rehab Center

Now that you know your rehab program options, it is time to find a substance use disorder treatment program in Dedham, MA. You don’t want to cut corners regarding sobriety and long-term success. A qualified program reduces your risk of relapse by teaching you lifelong skills that translate into the real world. 

How can you get started? At New Harbor Behavioral Healthcare, our programs can address fentanyl use disorders, including our intensive outpatient programs.