Group therapy

Group Therapy: An Overview

Group therapy in Dedham, MA, involves multiple people working with one or more therapists, sharing their experiences, and helping each other with problem-solving. Sometimes, group therapy is used on its own, but often it’s integrated with other treatment options to create a comprehensive plan for treating the individual.

Types of Group Therapy

Like other kinds of therapy, group therapy can be divided into several categories depending on the condition being treated and the method the therapists decide to use with the group. Here are the most usual types of group therapy:

  • Cognitive behavioral groups focus on identifying and subsequently changing inaccurate thinking patterns, behaviors, or emotional responses.
  • Interpersonal groups focus on relationships between people in or outside social situations. These groups look at the support each member has and how their interpersonal relationships affect their mental health.
  • Psychoeducational groups focus on educating participants regarding their diagnoses and how they can cope with them. These groups often base their techniques on cognitive behavior therapy.
  • Skills development groups focus on helping people with developmental disabilities or mental disorders improve their social skills.
  • Support groups are the primary kind of group therapy that most people think about. These groups provide a large scale of benefits for people who are dealing with mental health conditions. Loved ones can also benefit from the support group model.

Benefits of Group Therapy

Group therapy is designed to help people in Dedham, MA, work through mental health conditions or difficult life issues in a group setting. Here are some of the benefits of group therapy.

Group Therapy Allows People to See They Aren’t Alone

When individuals participate in group therapy, it helps them realize that other people face the same kinds of struggles. In an open group where members can come and go at different times, seeing someone’s progress toward recovery can encourage newcomers to continue working toward their goals.

Group Therapy Facilitates a Supportive Environment

Giving and receiving support is a morale boost, especially for those who feel unheard. Many times, a group therapy session is the only feeling of support some individuals experience. They prompt people to discuss their feelings in a nonjudgment zone.

Group Therapy Gives Participants a Voice

Many group therapy participants in Dedham, MA, aren’t accustomed to sharing their thoughts and feelings. The connection felt with other group therapy members can often break through that shell and get people to talk about their issues and recovery efforts.

Group Therapy Facilitates Healthier Interactions with Others

When people are dealing with mental health issues or trauma, their interpersonal relationships can be impacted even when they aren’t aware it’s happening. A group therapy session allows people to practice talking to other people, which helps to teach them how to communicate.

Group Therapy Gives a Safety Net

People who deal with mental issues often feel out of sorts when asked to speak for themselves. The safety of a group therapy session can help those same people learn how to be their best advocates. Group members can also feel safe reporting progress or disappointments along their journey without fear of judgment.

The Takeaway

Group therapy is a style of therapy in Dedham, MA, in which people with similar experiences with mental illness or substance abuse, or other issues come together to discuss their experiences with each other. One or more therapists facilitate the meetings to ensure the group members feel they have entered a safe, judgment-free zone.