Types of Therapy

People considering therapy in Dedham, MA, have likely realized various forms of treatment are available. Some forms of therapy are best for specified conditions, while others are excellent choices for multiple illnesses or problems. How does one choose from the variety of options? Here is an overview of some of the available options for someone who is seeking the right therapy for them.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioral therapy is used by therapists when a person needs to explore the relationship between thoughts and behavior or feelings and behavior. CBT therapists help individuals analyze thought patterns and determine which ones are unhealthy. They also allow the person to recognize how the thoughts can lead to self-destructive behaviors or beliefs.

The therapist and the individual work together in CBT therapy to develop more constructive thought patterns. Changing thought patterns can lead to changed behavior or beliefs. CBT therapy is effective for various issues. Some of those include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Eating disorders
  • Schizophrenia
  • Trauma-related disorders

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is similar to CBT, but it focuses more on mindfulness, regulating emotions, and accepting uncomfortable thoughts or feelings. This kind of therapy is helpful for those who need to find the balance between changes and acceptance of those changes. Therapists can teach individuals how to cope with situations or increase mindfulness. DBT was originally developed to assist those with borderline personality disorder and feeling suicidal, but the therapy is now used for multiple issues.

Family Therapy

In family therapy, the therapist will work with the entire family to help an individual within the family deal with specific issues. A family therapist helps the family unit understand negative behavior patterns that can cause problems. Family therapy can be used as a tool for helping families with adolescents who are facing mental health difficulties. Family therapy can also be beneficial for people with the following issues:

  • Substance misuse or abuse
  • Eating disorders
  • Behavioral problems
  • Anxiety
  • OCD
  • Medical issues

Group Therapy

Group therapy is a way for people in Dedham, MA, to discuss issues with people dealing with similar problems. Therapists lead the discussion in a group therapy session, and individual participants can provide input regarding personal thoughts and experiences. Individuals in group therapy sessions learn that they aren’t alone in dealing with their problems and can support each other by sharing with the group.

One disadvantage to group therapy is that the sessions are conducted with multiple people, so no individual gets much one-on-one time with the therapist. This kind of therapy is also less confidential, making some people reluctant to speak in group sessions.

Trauma Informed Therapy

Individuals who have experienced specific traumatic experiences may find trauma-informed therapy beneficial. This treatment explores trauma’s impact on an individual’s behavior, mental health, and ability to participate in treatment plans. Trauma-informed therapists take specific actions to avoid inadvertently triggering or retraumatizing clients during treatment.

Final Thoughts

Individuals in Dedham, MA, have various treatment options for mental health issues. Knowing what treatment methods are available can help a person choose the best therapy method suited to their situation.