New Harbor Behavioral Healthcare

We treat mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and ADHD at our adolescent treatment program in Massachusetts. We also treat clients who suffer from substance use disorders and other mental health conditions. In our experience, nearly all adolescents who we treat who have issues with substances also have other mental health issue. Evidence has long shown that the most important predictive factor in treatment is the rapport between practitioner and client. New Harbor Behavioral Healthcare uses solid, rapport based therapy, while incorporating holistic healing and modern therapy practices to treat all of these mental health issues and allow the individual a better and more fulfilling life. 

What We Treat


Anxiety is a normal human emotion that we all feel. However, young people are increasingly developing anxiety disorders which are greatly impacting their daily lives at home and at school. We support young people with skills based group and individual work to overcome these challenges.

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Depression is one of the more commonplace mental illnesses in the country, with some estimates stating that as much as 15% of youth aged 12 - 17 nationally are affected by major depression. Young people today continue to struggle with depression which can greatly impact their quality of life.

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ADHD is one of the most commonly diagnosed conditions today. It can present in a variety of ways and lead to difficulties with concentration, organization, and schoolwork for young people. Medications and behavioral therapeutic work can help young people with ADHD to improve their mood and overall functioning.

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Marijuana Use

Marijuana use has been on the rise amongst young people in Massachusetts following legalization. With risk perception dropping, and the rise of vaping technology, use seems to increase in high schools and middle schools in Dedham and elsewhere. Marijuana use often leads to and exacerbates anxiety and depression.
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