New Harbor Behavioral Health is proudly accredited by the Joint Commission (TJC), also known as the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). The Joint Commission accepts any safety or patient concerns brought to them through patients, family members, treatment center staff, and community members. Our facility may be periodically surveyed by the Joint Commission in assurance of adherence with their requirements for accreditation.

What Is the Joint Commission?

The Joint Commission is an independent, non-profit organization that ensures quality improvement and patient safety for all accredited healthcare organizations. It is the nation’s oldest and largest accreditation body in healthcare. Their mission is to hold healthcare organizations accountable for providing safe, effective, high-quality care to patients. To do this, there are a set of quality measures that all accredited organizations must adhere to. This accreditation reassures patients and loved ones that the quality of care patients received is approved by a third-party organization, putting an extra level of checks and balances in place.

New Harbor Behavioral Healthcare values the level of care we give to adolescents through our mental health treatment programs. We want to assure families, parents, and adolescents that our programs strive towards excellence and continuous improvement. Reach out to us or the Joint Commission with any questions that you have about this accreditation.

What Does the Joint Commission Do?

The Joint Commission has accredited and certified more than 22,000 health care organizations and programs in the United States. This does not stop at mental health treatment programs. The Joint Commission accredits hospitals, nursing care centers, surgical practices, home healthcare, and even laboratory care centers in addition to behavioral healthcare organizations.

There are over 1,000 surveyors employed by the Joint Commission, run by 21 board members that include physicians, administrators, nurses, educators, and more professionals. These surveyors visit accredited organizations at least once every 36 months to evaluate each organization’s level of compliance with their quality standards. After organizations are surveyed, they receive information on areas for improvement, providing healthcare organizations with the help they need to create efficient improvements to the quality of care they deliver.

What This Means for Parents and Clients

New Harbor Behavioral Healthcare is dedicated to delivering high-quality and effective care to all clients. Being accredited by the Joint Commission allows New Harbor to hold itself accountable for consistently delivering effective treatment programs to our clients, reassuring both parents and clients that adolescents seeking treatment are in good hands.