
Back-to-School Anxiety? Causes, Symptoms & Tips

While there is plenty of time left in the summer, August is a time where students and families begin back-to-school preparations. Stores start offering school supplies, commercials on TV begin promoting more back-to-school offerings, and schools or teachers may begin...

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What Are the Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder?

Anxiety can cause a multitude of physical and mental health problems for adolescents. Identifying these symptoms helps teens suffering from anxiety receive a diagnosis or help teens already diagnosed cope with anxiety disorder.  If you are concerned that your child,...

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Physical Symptoms of Anxiety in Teens

The number of teens diagnosed with anxiety has increased over the years. According to the CDC, the number of children between ages 6-17 who have ever been diagnosed with anxiety has increased since 2003. Between 2016-2019, 9.4% of children suffered from a diagnosed...

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